Christian Job Description

Now that you have expressed an interest in serving Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, the following is the job description from the Scriptures. Please pay close attention to the expectations from our divine commander.

  1. Your primary function is to bring glory to God. Some people do not realize the importance of this. However, what we do, say, think, believe should all be honoring to God without any reservation or complication.
  2. It is your responsibility to edify ( build up) the church and your brothers and sisters in Christ by encouragement, prayer, giving, and participation. We are one body in Christ. Each of us has a special function and none of us are the only part of the  body.
  3. As instructed in the Scriptures, you are to have a forgiving spirit such that you turn the other cheek even when offended. Christ expects us to be peacemakers. You are to ensure that you have removed the log from your own eyes before you expect to remove the dust from someone else’s.
  4. It is highly important that you put the well-being of others above our own. The other person must have the assurance that you support  him and that you are glad to see that they succeed in what they accomplish. You are not to be selfish or grandiose. If anything, you should seek opportunities to praise others.
  5. In obedience to what is called the great  commission from Christ as recorded in Matthew twenty-eight, you are to assume the responsibility that the good news of the gospel is spread abroad. As a member of God’s church, you are to delight and encourage the teaching, preaching and baptizing of new converts.
  6. For those who recently become Christians, it is your obligation to support them by example and guidance. The church must not forget the new Christian once they have become part of the congregation but instead wrap them in love and education letting them know they are missed when not in church services.
  7. God expects you to read his word daily and to be involved in your own personal devotions with him privately. This means to confess any sin you have committed recently. It also means to offer intercessory prayer for other people.
  8. Since this earth is not our home, you are expected to have a personal view toward heaven. You must not allow yourself to be involved in excessive materialism or to be bogged down by the ways of the world that could interfere with your successful relationship with God. This means you cannot have a divided allegiance between this world and the next.
  9. Jesus said that the two great commandments are to love God with all our heart mind and soul and to love your neighbor as yourself. This means that you are to seek every way possible to daily fall in love with God and keep in mind the great sacrifice of Christ did on the cross for you. This also means that you must have a loving healthy relationship with yourself so that you know how to love other people.
  10. You are to resist the devil and all the temptations he presents to you keeping in mind that temptation is not sin. You are expected to flee from the devil. It would be wise of you to be familiar with the Scriptures so that you can use that to keep temptation from becoming sin so that it  does not harm your spiritual well-being.
  11. When you are unable to put your prayers  in particular words, you are to keep in mind that the Holy Spirit will pray in your behalf. This means you do not give up praying. It does mean that you have a divine partner that will support you and intercede for you.
  12. Keep in mind that you are not saved by works, but your works are evidence of your salvation experience.
  13. When you find yourself in a position of leadership within the spiritual community, you must keep in mind that you are held to a higher standard by your positioned, by the reflection you have on God, by the way people look toward you as an example.
  14. If you find yourself in doubt, do nothing. Wait for God to answer you. Allow yourself to consider all the alternatives as guided by the Holy Spirit. When you feel God is providing an answer, step forth in faith. If you find you are mistaken and what you believe it was God’s leadership, start over in prayer and wait.
  15. You are to always challenge yourself to be a better person and a better Christian. You will not know what it is to have a successful spiritual life without continually striving toward a better goal. Never be satisfied with status quo. Never allow yourself to fall into a state of lethargy or apathy.
  16. God expects you to rejoice under whatever circumstances you find yourself. This does not mean that you will be happy in a negative situation. It does mean that your faith in God will be stronger than the circumstances. It also means that you rejoice in your relationship with him and have your eyes focused on him, not details of your life.

Stay focused on your relationship with God and other believers. Be humble in all that you do and know that you will be accountable someday to our Heavenly Father. These are not suggestions for how to live. This job description comes directly from the Bible that you are to use in your daily life.

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