Half of One is Nothing

The words of Jesus are recorded in Matthew 6:24 that in particular draws our attention. We may wonder what Christ’s main thought in this text is about for each of us; meaning that we should have someone to love and someone to hate. That doesn’t sound quite right, does it? It is interesting that at the beginning of this chapter Christ is talking about giving and at the end of the chapter he’s talking about getting.

A closer look at this effort causes us to realize we cannot be physically placed in two locations at the same time. Even mentally and spiritually this is not possible. Surely, we should not try because our lives would be fractured into splintered areas of devotion. Half of that life is really nothing since it would be spread thin. We would lose all joy and effectiveness. Yet, some people continue to do their best to walk the fence when it comes to generosity, prayer, forgiveness, and dedication, and carnal pleasures. Then we must explore what are the concerns of such a person who attempts to serve two masters?

Perhaps such a person has a concern for reward. Seven times in this chapter the issue arises if the rent is paid in full. This reminds us that we should be a balanced person when it comes to giving with only a slight significant place for money. We should be a sincere person as when praying just for the sake of praying. Instead of being half a person, we should have a concern for dedication without breaking trust for the one and not for the other, God or Mammon.

From the guidance of Jesus, we should be a gracious person when it comes to forgiving because the value of forgiveness is important for our own selves as mentioned in verses fourteen and fifteen. Lack of forgiveness is  an inward cancer. Furthermore, we should be an attractive person as when fasting for closer fellowship with the Heavenly Father which makes food incidental. The proper ideal is not to bring pain on ourselves for the lack of food. True biblical fasting is when we are so engrossed in our spiritual life that we virtually forget to eat.

Perhaps we should also consider any concern for our own achievements. Whenever we seek to accomplish a goal, our efforts should not subtract from the glory of God. Any achievement we have in this life must be part of our walk we have on this earth without any view of sacrifice or glory. Spiritually speaking, no pain means no gain, is not true.

Would it not be wonderful if we saw ourselves as a wise person? A wise person when working in such a way that we do good, not just with ulterior motives and our effort conforms to what is mentioned in verses 19 to 21. To conform to the expectations that Christ has for us, we should be a dedicated person who has been walking a lighted pathway ( versus twenty-two twenty-three). If we are going to enlightened the world, it must be God’s light that is within ourselves shining outside of ourselves and becomes a positive influence on those around us.

Beware that the devil wants to be our master. He wants to confuse us and distract us. He wants us to think that we can walk both sides of the fence. When we are not totally committed to God, we are not halfway committed but not committed at all! With God, our commitment is either all or nothing. That requires for us to have a significant commitment to  walk away so that we may walk toward.

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