Thomas Did Not Doubt

When the resurrected Jesus appeared to the disciples, Thomas was not among them. They rejoiced and fellowshipped  with Christ. The disciples told Thomas when he joined them that they had witnessed Christ resurrected from the grave. He replied that he could not bring himself to believe such information until he actually saw the wounds from the crucifixion of Jesus.

The next time that Thomas was with them, Jesus appeared again. Christ gave him that opportunity that he requested. ( John 20) His reply was to say, “My Lord, and my God.” The Thomas that we know of through history only asked for the same opportunity to behold Christ that all the other disciples had. Yes, he was skeptical, but it was certainly reasonable considering that he was asked to believe the impossible.

The Jesus said one of my favorite verses in the Bible. It was a projection into the future to you and me. He said, “Thomas, because seeing me, thou askst believed: blessed are they that have not seen and have  believed.” Jesus looked down into the future all the way to our time frame. He knew the phenomenal truth that would be spread throughout the world to all of us who have not witnessed the wounds personally of Jesus.

Our faith in Christ is not based on touch or sight. It is a pure acceptance the Jesus overcame death for us all. It is a motivating factor that we all should join with Thomas and say, “My Lord and my God.” All other founders of religions have their graves still occupied. Only Jesus came forth to offer blessing on believers. Carry that belief confidently and broadcast it to everyone. His resurrection conquered death and gave us the promise that death is not the end but the beginning of eternal life.

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