An Enduring Plague

Our world has been experiencing a tragedy that probably goes back at least to the seventh century BC. It is a tragedy that has endured obviously. Most important, is a tragedy that has monumental consequences. This is not just affecting one person or group of people. It affects everyone.

Jeremiah under the inspiration of God declared the coming fall of Jerusalem and Judah because they purposely avoided serving him. Instead, they worshipped false gods and set up idols totally against God’s command. Jeremiah was not the only preacher that warned the people about God’s judgment for the rebellion. However, today we focus on what he had to say that’s very relevant to us now.

He spoke of prophets that caused the people to err. They were licentious and untruthful while keeping the people back from repentance discouraging them from seeking God. The people that heard their prophetic words were told not to listen to the false prophets who spoke of the vision from their own hearts instead of receiving what God had to say. The misconduct and rebellion of the people led by the prophets caused them all to walk headlong into a doomsday scenario. These prophets assured the people that benefits would come upon them while they walked after the inklings of their own hearts. These were self-appointed prophets not sent by God not having any word from God. Their false teachings actually encouraged people in their sin.

Their own hearts deceived the prophets. They were like empty vapors from a cold teakettle. They gave out dreams as if it was the Word of God. Even the brightest of the prophets with their highest imaginations were nothing  more than grains that were empty of sustenance. They gave themselves out to the populace as a manifestation of the truth. In fact, they were wretched counterfeits brought onto the stage of history by Satan himself. No human philosophies or counseling were of any spiritual benefit to the people. They said nothing more than grab the golden ring when it comes around to you.

I said that we are enduring the plague that is centuries long and persistent. We have false prophets behind the pulpits of mega-churches. They declare soothing words to the itching ears of those who attend. They offer counseling and philosophy disguised as from God’s own mouth. They deceive the people against dealing with her own sins through the blood of Jesus Christ. These false prophets encourage people to follow a way that is not biblical, that is akin to advice from motivation speakers. They falsely declare that God wants you to be healthy and wealthy. Even if they should mention salvation, it is under the umbrella of their words telling people to take charge of their own lives instead of  surrendering to God.

It is such a tragedy that thousands and thousands of people who attend these mega-churches and watch these preachers on television are so deceived that their spiritual feet are anchored in solid concrete. These preachers are shipping these people straight to hell while they themselves are getting so wealthy it is beyond imagination. One such preacher lives in a ten-million-dollar mansion. Another preacher has his own fleet of airplanes. Another preacher denies the Trinity while prospering at the cost of others.

Folks, we must wake up! We must stop giving money to these people. We must stop attending their services or watching them on TV. We must realize that what they say does not match the Word of God. We must realize that their programs are deceptive interludes from  Satan himself. They have become so bold that they are willing to challenge the very Bible itself that has been plainly written . They dilute its words. These false prophets speak of love and peace when there is neither. Their personal behavior and words  outside the pulpit reveal evil in their own hearts. Their day of judgment is coming but we must not allow ourselves to be swept up into their heresy.

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