The Church’s Responsibility to Mothers

There always was a tension between what love Jesus felt for his mother and the need to be about his Father’s business. Mary was protective of him, bearing the load of pending suffering in her own heart for her son. Jesus set the example for the church in keeping true to the responsibility that we have toward our mother.

It is a church’s responsibility to give mothers the honor they deserve. A closer look at Christianity and the Bible shows that women are elevated above all the other religions of the world. In fact, women are so unique that they can do with men cannot do like comforting  the heart of a child.

It is the church’s responsibility to encourage mothers to keep the faith. They do this by encouraging mothers as they set an example of God’s love for them. There must be a sharing of self with mothers and recognizing their infinite worth to all the world.

The church must assist mothers in resisting the world. Mothers need our prayers and support. They should never be put in a position between two bad choices. They must be reminded by our own actions that family is worth it all.

The church must offset the negative attitude toward mothers. For a woman to say that she is a stay-at-home mom still bears a stigma in some people’s mind. Motherhood has been viewed by the world as an inferior place in society. As we support mothers, we must confess that they are the ones responsible for molding character and not just creating a human body through birth.

The church must understand what mothers represent. They are a symbol of God’s unconditional love. They are always available and ready just as God is. In the same way that God seeks a relationship with the believer, so does the mother seek a relationship with her children.

The church must give mothers what they ask, what they need. What is that? They need a listening ear, an understanding heart, and patience when they do not understand us, or we understand them. How wonderful it would be if all of us gave a place where mothers are comfortable to “be all they can be.” Because mothers are so special, it is important for the church to provide a unique comfort that makes them glad to be associated with us.

Mothers like everyone else are not perfect. To counteract their imperfections, the Bible reminds us that we should be kind one to another. We should do onto others as we would want them to do unto us. When we have an issue with the mother, it is wise to take Jesus’ advice to remove the beam from our own eye before asking her to remove the speck in her eye.

And recognizing that the church has a specific responsibility to mother on this Mother’s Day, we can clearly say that because of mother, the home is where character is made. It is where she sacrifices even when not asked and even without reward. In the home the mother is the one who’s most likely to provide encouragement to the lives of other people. A godly mother is the one who lays out a path of spiritual destiny to be decided and accepted by the family. As we read Philippians 4:13, we can say that  in the home is where dreams are planted.

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