A Baby Born in the Mountains

In the remote mountains of North Carolina, a baby girl was born as the youngest of four siblings 111 years ago. It was a time in which bears and leopards roamed freely in the forest. The family lived in a small wooden shack. The father was a farmer who used such primitive tools as a sickle to harvest. The mother was his second wife.

The  brother excelled in his scholastic endeavors. Eventually he became a Baptist minister of several small churches sequestered in the mountain sides and a professor of French at the local school. Several cousins lived in a more remote  unpainted house. At times they would gather together to swim in Wildcat Lake.

The baby girl only received enough education to be able to read and write. She was self-willed and had an ambition that was beyond her social skills. She left home when she was fourteen years old to become a waitress in another town. Eventually she accepted the invitation of a couple to travel to Maryland as a babysitter for their children. It was in the Northeast when she met her future husband who was a Marine.

They had a tumultuous marriage. Their children found themselves living in ½ of a double in Ohio. This baby girl who grew up to be a woman was never able to find a place for herself in society because of her lack of education, some emotional deficiencies, and a lack of social skills.

What with all of these things said about what was unattractive about this woman, her behavior and attitude, she suffered much in life. She worked at a factory third shift to support her children after the divorce. This woman was a contradiction of terms and that she always wanted to be loved but also wanted to be in control of her life with her own goals. With whatever she could accomplish on our own she strove for more.

 She always tried to excel in her knowledge even if it was beyond her capabilities. She studied Scriptures in-depth. She attempted to learn about the creation and exercise of blueprints. This woman made her mark in such a way that no one would expect. By the end of her life, she lost both legs to gangrene. Yet, she became a witness to her family for survival and a place in heaven.

This poorly educated, at times socially inept, controlling woman left behind a remarkable influence on society through her five children. They were each successful in their own way. One earned a doctorate degree while two others had master’s degrees. The daughter was a college attendee who had herself gendered successful children and grandchildren. One of the sons became a minister and college professor as well as an officer in the Air Force. The other three brothers also serve their country in the military.

The purpose of this blog is  to encourage everyone, no matter their handicaps or difficulties, to become a great asset to society. Today is the 111 birthday of that woman. Today is when we reflect on the positive influence she had on this world through her children and grandchildren. That woman is my mother!

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