The Armor of God

There are those things which make us each uniquely separate from the other. Even in the case of twins, no one is exactly like the other in attitude, conduct, speech, or personal idiosyncrasies. So it is in the spiritual  realm. What separates believers one from the other is the point at which we respond to Jesus and have appreciation for his work, sacrifice for our sin, the provisions he’s made for us in this life, and even the admonitions Scripture gives to us. The Bible describes us as pilgrims on this earth knowing that this is not our home since we are striving toward a heavenly home. Beyond that, it is quite significant how we apply what Paul said about putting  on the armor of God. (Ephesians 6: 6-17)

Whether it be an ancient soldier or one on today’s battlefield there is a meaning to have and wear armor. To do so we are declaring our allegiance to the General. When we are wearing God’s armor, we are saying that we have an intent to do something while expecting others to go with us. There might be times in which we have moments that require courage and heroism that are only possible in warfare, spiritual warfare. We need God’s armor so that we might be suited for warfare by his permission and facing the spiritual experiences that lay before us.

We read the Scripture that Paul offered to us in Ephesians but what is the meaning of the believers’ armor? First of all, we must put on the whole armor because we need every part of it as a defense. In particular, we are to have our loins girded. This is a reminder of the days of Jesus when someone would run a race, they would need to retrieve between their legs and fold their robe underneath them and fasten them with their girdle in front so that nothing would hinder them or impede their race. In the same way truth will hold up all things that would otherwise impede us meaning that we have to discriminate between what will facilitate us and what will impede us. Peter advised us to know the truth by girting our minds. (1 Peter 1:13)

We are to put on the breastplate of righteousness. The components of righteousness are faith and love. Faith for men in behalf of God and love of God for men. (1 Thessalonians 5:8a) When we have such a covering over our heart, we are less likely to be injured by the world. We are to have our feet shod by the preparation of the gospel of peace. The only part of the soldier that provides movement is his feet. Therefore, by having his feet shod in a spiritual sense he is prepared to meet God, prepared to go to spiritual battles, and prepared to enjoy peace.

Above all we are to have the shield of faith which says, “I don’t know, and I don’t understand,  but I believe anyway.” This protection is the believers’ personal victory. For each of us to have our own personal victory that may be of necessity as a means for defense, not for offense. Keep in mind that the evil forces in this world never stop advancing as an army would. (1 John 5:14)  Look further and see that we are to have the helmet of salvation. This is not for salvation but the hope from salvation! This hope is a means to affect our thinking toward godly thoughts. The only weapon of offense is the sword. This is the same weapon that Jesus used, the Word of God. We cannot rebuke Satan on our own. To defeat him in our lives it must be through Scripture. That is the reason that it’s so important for us to be familiar with the Bible and as much as possible memorize verses. Notice that there was no provision for the back of the believer. At first this may seem curious. The fact is there is no reason to cover his back because God’s army should never be in retreat.

Many people have heard sermons or read the written word about wearing the armor of God. It could be that we acknowledge its importance. It could also be that we make little concentrated effort to apply to wear the armor of God. Let us stand strong with Christ as his return draws closer and closer each day for as those days pass, we will need what the armor provides. Remember, “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual witness in high places.”  (Ephesians 6: 12)

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