America in Prophecy

There are some theologians who attempt to find a place for America in biblical prophecy. However, the big picture in looking at prophecy is that it all centers around the Mediterranean Sea. There is less likelihood of God in either the Old or the New Testament to bring up the area on the other side of the world as a matter of his concern for the future. Let us look at the summary of what awaits us in God’s plan.

The next thing to happen according to Scripture is that those who know Jesus Christ as their personal Savior, who have a direct and meaningful relationship with him, will suddenly be taken to heaven in what is called the rapture. Those who have died first will ascend to Christ waiting in the skies. Afterwards, those who are alive and yet remaining will follow suit shortly thereafter in a matter of seconds. We do not know exactly how soon the appearance of the Antichrist will then occur, but this world dictator will take his place with smooth talk and promises to solve all the world’s problems. Thereafter, the rest of the events as told in the Bible will center around Israel.

What I am about to say next is conjecture and deduction of what is detailed in various books of the Bible. I’m making no attempt to be a prophet to tell the future. I am simply using logic while coordinating it with what we do know of the coming events.

After the rapture and with the world in financial chaos, there will need to be an explanation of what happened to millions and millions of people who suddenly disappeared from the earth. There will need to be a stage set in which this Antichrist can slide into a place of power with no objections or resistance from the rest of the world. In fact, if anything, his appearance will be supported by the world, particularly in the Mediterranean area. I believe that the disappearance of so many people from the earth will be explained as an attack from aliens. I know that sounds ridiculous, but there continues to be support for alien presence in earthly activities now.

A significant point in the presence of America during the fulfillment of prophecy is that the United States cannot be strong like it was under the Reagan administration. America will need to become a weakened nation. America will need to have less influence on international politics. For this to occur, the internal conduct of the United States will be its leaders contesting for power over American citizens. This will not be the first time that America has withdrawn itself from any concern for the nations in other parts of the world. In the year 1823 Pres. James Monroe declared what has become known as the Monroe doctrine that primarily sought only the interest of the Western Hemisphere while excluding concerns on the European stage. In addition, if the present continuum toward  socialism and the diminishing of the American dollar gains dominance, the United States will be less and less significant.

To me, this is vitally important because the Antichrist needs to step onto the world stage as the Savior of the world for all the problems and issues that will be existing at that time. In short, it is my belief that it will be necessary for the influence and power of America to begin evaporating so that there will be created a void into which the Antichrist can step forward as the great problem solver. He will need a weakened political and economic situation to address. For those who believe in Christ as their Savior, do not be upset about what is happening. It is all in God’s plan! It will all be necessary as prophecy is fulfilled. It is a sign that Jesus is coming soon.

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